Pregnancy is not a qualification for marriage

Often, it baffles me to see or know that some ladies are interested in getting pregnant to tie down a man to them, only to find later that pregnancy does not improve their relationship but rather creates a conflict that leads to separation.

Meanwhile, what is marriage? According to Wikipedia, marriage is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged. Such a union is often formalised via a wedding ceremony. People actually marry for many reasons, which include procreation, emotional, financial and spiritual reasons, for love, religion and a host of others.

It is common knowledge these days that many guys want their ladies to become pregnant before marriage, and many ladies themselves want to conceive before their wedding. This means that pregnancy is becoming a prerequisite for marriage.

The reality though is that many churches these days don't join a couple together if the woman is pregnant, except if the church is not aware of the pregnancy. It is at this point that some ladies consider aborting their pregnancy just to get married in the church. I heard of a case whereby a lady got pregnant before the wedding and she insisted on having the pregnancy aborted. Can you believe and take that? Is it to fool God or man?

Lots of people advised her not to do it, but she turned a deaf hear to the warnings. She went ahead and aborted the pregnancy and she got wedded in the church. But 12 years after that wedding ceremony, that lady is yet to get pregnant.

My advice here is, tell your partner that if he wants you to be pregnant before the wedding or marriage, he should be ready to wed or have a blessed engagement with you, but he must wait till after the pregnancy before the church marriage.

I know many ladies may not like this, because no one wants to be called “After One” – that is, they had one child before their wedding.

Churches may not like you being impregnated before marriage, but who says a church will not wed you after you have delivered your baby? What that means is, since you prefer to get pregnant before your wedding, then you should be prepared to give birth to your child before coming for the wedding, and that is the church’s stand on this.

We should bear in mind that pregnancy before marriage is not always welcome because of the associated problems that come with it.


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