Kasapreko ranked as “Best Local Tax Compliance Company” by GRA

from right; Deputy Commissioner, presenting the award to CEO of Kasapreko, Richard Adjei

Kasapreko Company Limited (KCL), the only indigenous ISO certified beverage manufacturing company in Ghana, has been named Best Indigenous Tax Compliance Company for year 2018 by the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA).

Mr. Edwin Gyambrah, on behalf of the Commissioner-General of GRA, presented Kasapreko with the award as the Best Indigenous Company 2018, Large Taxpayers Office.

He indicated that Kasapreko has been one of the most compliant indigenous companies over the years and deserves to be appreciated for others to emulate.

“Kasapreko Company Limited emerged the largest indigenous taxpayer in 2018. In 2017, they paid a total of GH₵66 million, and in 2018, paid a total GH₵85.4 million in tax to emerge as the largest indigenous tax payer.

“Before a company is nominated to be awarded by the GRA, there are some cardinal points we look at and one of them is that the company must be a compliant company and we do not often see this factor among local businesses.

“But when it comes to Kasapreko, over the years, we have seen that their filing date, corporate tax, employee taxes and compliant rate has been very outstanding and the GRA recognises your efforts and wish to present you with this award,” he said.

The Managing Director of KCL, Richard Adjei, voiced appreciation: “We are glad that we are being recognised as the Best Indigenous Company, Large Taxpayer Office and we hope that the GRA will also take this opportunity to give us some tax wavers as a way of appreciating what Kasapreko is also doing and in support of our subsequent projects.

“One of our goals is to be the business that others will look at and learn from, both in marketing/sales and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. And so, we were very particular about tax compliance and we hope the GRA will also crack its whip on those who are not compliant to create a fair play ground,” he added.

“We have rightly applied to one district one factory (1D1F) secretariat, and we looking forward to the support that government will give us to expand. The more support we get, the more sales we make and the more tax we pay to government,” CEO, KCL, Richard Adjei said.

Mr. Adjei, also asked government to put in place measures that will support the local companies over the multinationals, indicating that the 50 percent reduction on import charges will impact their business positively since some of their materials are imported.

“Kasapreko is building a new factory at Tanoso-Kumasi to increase supply to the market, especially in the production of water and other beverages. It is a $20 million factory and we hope that this factory will service Ashanti, Bono and the three regions at the north, he added.

Mr. Gyambrah, finally, also indicated that some tax wavers such as location incentive is already available to companies irrespective of the kind of category or sector they belong to.

He also appealed to Ghanaians to pay their tax for the country to develop, citing that only about 1.5 million Ghanaians are currently paying income tax out of the 30 million population.


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