IBAG Conference and Exhibition goes to Tamale

The Insurance Brokers Association Ghana (IBAG) will this year hold its 7th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Tamale, the Northern Regional Capital from March 24th to March 28th, 2020.

It will be the first time such a large gathering of insurance professionals will converge at the Modern City Hotel, Tamale, to discuss issues confronting the insurance sector.

About 80 Licensed Insurance Brokers and 50 Life and General Underwriters, including Risk Managers and other stakeholders are expected to participate in the conference.

The three-day conference and exhibition will be held on the theme, “The impact of increase in regulatory requirements on Insurance Businesses”. It will be recalled that, the insurance industry is expected to recapitalize in 2021 and also awaits the passage of a new Insurance Bill by the end of 2020. This conference will therefore offer those in attendance the opportunity to discuss the impact of these developments on the industry and to share ideas on how they can succeed.

B&FT has learnt that other middle features at the conference will include Business Sections, the CEO’s Forum, Young Executive workshop, Technical Sections and Networking Section.


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