AIRDC Conference comes to Ghana next year

As Ghana’s Insurance Industry gears up to host the world’s largest insurance conference – Association of Insurance and Reinsurers of Developing Countries (AIRDC) which is in conjunction with the National Insurance Commission and the Ghana Insures Association draws close a passionate appeal has gone round the market for companies to subscribe for membership.

Mrs. Elizabeth Wyns-Dogbe
The event which is coming up at the Accra International Conference Centre between 22nd – 25th September, 2020 on the theme “Increasing Insurance Penetration in Developing Countries – the way forward.”

AIRDC is an international insurance association with its secretariat located in Manila, Philippians. It has membership spread across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, its mission is to serve as a forum of collaboration for the exchange of insurance knowledge and best practices.

How Ghana was chosen as preferred destination
It will be recalled that in 2018 AIRDC held its 21st conference in Kathmandu Nepal, after an elaborate presentation on the country by the Ghanaian delegation Mrs. Elizabeth Wyns-Dogbe, Managing Director of SIC Life company who is a member of the Board of Trustees was appointed the Vice President of the Association.

Subsequently, a Local Organising Committee (LOC) made up of representatives from the various industry association and institution including the National Insurance Commission (NIC), Ghana Insurers Association (GIA), Ghana Insurance Brokers Association (GIBA), Chartered Insurance Institute Ghana (CIIG), National Association of Insurance Agents of Ghana (NAGIA) and Chartered Insurance Ladies Association of Ghana (CILAG) were inaugurated by the commissioner of insurance to plan and organize the 2020 AIRDC.

The LOC has already drawn a detailed programme and budgets for the conference. It is estimated that about 500 local and foreign delegates are expected to attend this conference from over 20 countries in the world. Renowned international speakers and guest will be invited to assist delegates find a lasting solution to the problem of low insurance penetration among developing countries. In addition to other thought provoking and topical issues will also be deliberated on.

The LOC is therefore appealing to insurers that each insurance, reinsurance, broking companies, budget for at least four members in their institution to attend the conference. Importantly too the LOC’s has indicated that the conference fee per participants will be $350 dollars per participant who are AIRDC members and $500 dollars for non-members.

It also pointed out that benefit for full membership will enjoy the following benefits: the right to attend and participate in discussions at the general meetings and the general conference in addition to the right of a full member to vote and be elected as a member of the executive board.

Who is AIRDC?   
The idea of formerly organizing the AIRDC was conceived during the First Third World Insurance Congress held in Manila where the Philippians delegation, through the Insurance Institute for Asia and the Pacific (IIAP) submitted an initial draft of the constitution. The declared policy of the association is to strengthen the insurance market in the Third World Countries and to foster inter-regional cooperation in the insurance and reinsurance industry.

Other beneficiaries of hosting:   
Buenos Aires, Argentina, held the second Third World conference followed by Nairobi Kenya.


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